Dear Friends:

Welcome you to this Blog which aims to take a look at the task of combating corruption from a very constructive, comprehensive and innovative angle.

This Blog is an initiative to suggest that, as a follow up to the ongoing movement for a sound Lokpal Bill, all well-meaning anti-corruption crusaders come on a single platform, strike a consensus amongst themselves, join hands and lead to the formation of a pro-active ‘Well-Organized, Comprehensive, Coordinated and Constructive Nationwide Movement to Combat Corruption’ as a solution to tackle this all pervading corruption in a very non-violent, democratic, effective and sustained manner.

The Primary Documents of this site are "An Open Letter to All Anti-Corruption Crusaders (especially to Team Anna)" & "Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction - A Concept Note".

I request you to positively join this cause with your valuable comments and opinions. Together, let’s try to make this a real platform for constructive debate on the very important issue of corruption and on ways to tackle it in a very non-violent, democratic and effective manner.

Thanks and have a nice reading,

For ‘Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction’

Sunday, August 14, 2011

‘Seldom Won’ by Shri. Hasmukh Amathalal

Independence, liberty and freedom
Bloodlessly won seldom
Stalwarts and leaders had shown wisdom
This all we now read in class rooms

Who will not want to be in free country?
Where it is classless, non racial and sans misery
What else can be dreamed of to lead it happily?
And country is surging ahead steadily

Foreign occupants are taken as cruel and marauders
Their position is that of land hungry and invaders
They might have plundered the country in process
And brutally murdered for gaining the access

All said and done and now they have packed
No more claims on our land is staked
We are fully independent and sovereign
Free from any yoke as independence is regained

What is scenario there after?
Is country leading towards disaster?
Is the freedom struggle really a boom?
Is there any scope for poor with room?

It has tuned into grim reality
It has proved our incompetence and inability
We have pushed country into Dark Age
We failed to look after people and manage

Farmers are committing suicide
Politicians are asking for free ride
Everybody is on rampage and hands are full of corruption
The loot is clearly seen and going on without any interruption

Yes, death is wealth
To take pride for Poor's health
Where are we today on this freedom day?
Can they take us to peaceful way?

Can we not dream for two square meals?
Can they not strike a simple deal?
They come once in five years
To feed with oasis waters in deaf ears

No answer may ever be found
Our economy is claimed to be sound
All well but country is in ill health
Entire country is robbed of its wealth

1 comment:

  1. A wonderful piece of writing, right from your heart, Sir. Let's hope our country will awake to real Freedom, without wasting more years, without shedding any bitter blood. Let's hope that those at the helm of affairs will shed their greed and arrogance and come to their senses before long. Yes, our political system is rotten and our politicians are corrupt. But, not the entire political system is corrupt, nor are all our politicians corrupt. Let's hope to see better days ahead.
