Dear Friends:

Welcome you to this Blog which aims to take a look at the task of combating corruption from a very constructive, comprehensive and innovative angle.

This Blog is an initiative to suggest that, as a follow up to the ongoing movement for a sound Lokpal Bill, all well-meaning anti-corruption crusaders come on a single platform, strike a consensus amongst themselves, join hands and lead to the formation of a pro-active ‘Well-Organized, Comprehensive, Coordinated and Constructive Nationwide Movement to Combat Corruption’ as a solution to tackle this all pervading corruption in a very non-violent, democratic, effective and sustained manner.

The Primary Documents of this site are "An Open Letter to All Anti-Corruption Crusaders (especially to Team Anna)" & "Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction - A Concept Note".

I request you to positively join this cause with your valuable comments and opinions. Together, let’s try to make this a real platform for constructive debate on the very important issue of corruption and on ways to tackle it in a very non-violent, democratic and effective manner.

Thanks and have a nice reading,

For ‘Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction’

Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Letter to All My Countrymen on Independence Day 2011

Dear Friends:
As our country celebrates the 64th Anniversary of its Independence from British Rule, we are on the eve of our second great Freedom struggle. This time we seek freedom from the Rule of Corruption.  But it needs to be well remembered that now our adversaries and our situations are different. So, rightly enough, the tools and means we adopt should also be different.

In Anna Hazare we have a great crusader and leader of the masses, no doubt. He is one person who is capable of mobilizing the masses to get our country on the right tracks. His team is also highly appreciable. But, all my admiration for him and his team not withstanding, I regret to admit that, on a personal ground, I feel Team Anna’s  means and approaches with regard to the Lokpal Bill Issue are too uncalled for at the moment. Although the movement intends to keep itself non-violent, peaceful and democratic, there are high chances of its unintentionally instigating violence and transgressing democracy, in the near future. This needs to be averted. At the same time we need to understand that the Lokpal Bill is not going to be the ultimate solution to the problem of corruption plaguing our country today. So overall there is a need to rethink on the issues, prioritize our goals, sanitize our means and mobilize the masses with a view to achieve the desired ends the most democratically, peacefully and effectively. We want a civilized movement not civil unrest. We want to cleanse our democratic system not have it overthrown completely. We want to safeguard, not imperil, the unity, security and stability of our country.

Although a Movement is commonly defined as a largely informal and unorganized group, a Social Movement can and should, metamorphose itself into a well-organized group, in order to be more democratic and efficient, especially when the task at hand is not an easier one. If the present day anti-corruption crusaders at the national level (including Team Anna) are able to direct the energy and enthusiasm of the masses (especially of our awakening youth) towards a concerted and concrete action, peace and prosperity can be ensured to a large extent in our nation. Our abundant resources can then be beautifully harnessed to earn us a pride of place in the group of developed nations. Real freedom will reign our nation then. A considerable check on corruption at all levels would be possible and poverty and social injustices would then be greatly reduced.   

So to this cancerous problem of corruption at all levels, as a solution, I suggest the formation and implementation of a “Well-Organized, Comprehensive and Constructive Nationwide Movement to Combat Corruption”. A Movement, as suggested, will prove to be and can serve as a new organ of Democracy, no doubt. To think on something new and different is always a bit too difficult. But I have full faith in the people of this country and hope, one day or the other, those who really matter will come to realize the need for such a Movement which will really be based on the principles that not all are corrupt and evil and that not all who are corrupt and evil will remain so for ever. 

Ours is really a great country. Our forefathers (including the Father of our Nation) sacrificed their lives to give us the benefits of freedom. Let us take care to conduct ourselves rightly to safeguard that freedom and add to it constructively to provide worthy benefits to the present generation as well as to posterity. 

Wishing you all a great and meaningful Independence Day Anniversary,

Kannan G
(A humble citizen of India)

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