Dear Friends:

Welcome you to this Blog which aims to take a look at the task of combating corruption from a very constructive, comprehensive and innovative angle.

This Blog is an initiative to suggest that, as a follow up to the ongoing movement for a sound Lokpal Bill, all well-meaning anti-corruption crusaders come on a single platform, strike a consensus amongst themselves, join hands and lead to the formation of a pro-active ‘Well-Organized, Comprehensive, Coordinated and Constructive Nationwide Movement to Combat Corruption’ as a solution to tackle this all pervading corruption in a very non-violent, democratic, effective and sustained manner.

The Primary Documents of this site are "An Open Letter to All Anti-Corruption Crusaders (especially to Team Anna)" & "Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction - A Concept Note".

I request you to positively join this cause with your valuable comments and opinions. Together, let’s try to make this a real platform for constructive debate on the very important issue of corruption and on ways to tackle it in a very non-violent, democratic and effective manner.

Thanks and have a nice reading,

For ‘Mission Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction’

Saturday, August 27, 2011


First, a Brief Look at the state of our Nation today and on what effective role a strong Nationwide People’s Movement/Group can play for the welfare of the Nation as a whole.

A.   Some Major Problems haunting our Nation today:

a)     Plethora of lopsided, myopic and disabled development measures
b)    Imbalance in distribution of wealth and consumption of resources
c)     Around ¼ of the population still subjected to a sub-standard life
d)    Population still growing on a rapid scale 
e)     Rampant and mounting corruption in almost all walks of life
f)      Erosion, in general, of values of honesty, transparency and accountability
g)     Erosion, in general, of fellow-feeling, human values & culture
h)    Denial of social justice & suppression of freedom 
i)       Growing unemployment
j)       Raising dissatisfaction amongst the youth
k)    Excess of unhealthy politics delivering an impaired and improper governance
l)       Growth of protests and unrests hampering the progress and prosperity of the nation   
m)  Growth of violence threatening the security and stability of the nation

 B.   Some Broad (Non-Governmental, People-Centered & Participatory) Solutions to the Aforesaid Problems:

a)     Serving as powerful watchdogs in the developmental process of the nation
b)    Working as a catalyst and partner in the reconstruction of the nation
c)     Building a strong and effective network of relevant NGOs and Movements
d)    Taking up intelligent mobilization of manpower and other resources
e)     Creation of a result-seeking, democratic Think Tank for the welfare of the nation
f)      Generation of widespread and intensive awareness amongst the masses
g)     Awakening the masses to take up constructive and creative work
h)    Adoption of a slew of measures to put an active check on corruption and injustices

And now, a Brief Look at the scale and seriousness of corruption prevalent in our country today.

C.   Some Broad Areas/Sections of Society Nurturing Corruption:

a)     Higher & Lower Bureaucracy
b)    Politicians/Statesmen at all levels
c)     Higher & Lower Judiciary
d)    Police & other Armed Forces
e)     Investigative Agencies
f)      Quasi-Governmental Bodies
g)     Corporate & Business Enterprises
h)    Private & Public Institutions 
i)       Private and Public Professionals
j)       NGOs (both public funded & private funded)

D.   A Broad Range of the Impact of Corruption:

a)     Criminal loot, waste, & mismanagement of natural resources
b)    Excessive loss to the national/state exchequer
c)     Growth of anti-social & criminal activities such as murder, rape, torture, arson etc
d)    Excessive burden on the struggle for survival of the common man
e)     Erosion of moral, cultural & social values
f)      Black money, black marketing and a host of accompanying underground activites
g)     Criminal violation of professional ethics and dereliction of duties
h)    Promotion of poverty and a host of accompanying social inequities
i)       Inhuman exploitation of the poor & the weak
j)       Delaying and denial of legal justice
k)    Check on the developmental pace of the nation
l)       Jeopardy to the health, life, peace, progress, prosperity, security and stability of individuals, institutions and of the nation as a whole 

The realization of the aforesaid problems, the keys to their solutions and the fact that corruption is today the root cause of most of our national and social evils, necessitate the creation of a Well-Organized, Comprehensive, Coordinated, Constructive and Multi-Level Nationwide Movement to Combat Corruption and to Reconstruct India’. So, now a Brief Look at what and how such a Movement should and can be. This is just food for thought, just a Concept now, and a lot of hearts, brains and hands need to be put into this if it is to be translated into meaningful action. 

  E.   Concept:

Establishment of ‘A Well-Organized, Comprehensive, Coordinated, Constructive and Multi-Level Nationwide-Movement / A Nationwide Mega NGO to Combat Corruption & to Reconstruct India’

F.    Concept-Name:


G.  Concept-Rationale:

1.     A spectrum of slow and steady reforms engendered with wisdom and foresight (and implemented within a predetermined time-frame) is required in almost all spheres of our social and political life to ensure economic advancement, social justice, national security and for the larger good of all.

2.     Most problems originate as much from improper implementation as from poor legislations.

3.     Passing of laws such as the RTI Act & Public Grievances Redress Act and establishment of Institutions as the Lokpal & Lokayuktas should necessarily be supplemented with a slew of other measures (especially non-governmental and people-powered) if corruption needs to be checked effectively and considerably.

4.     Considering the nature and scale of corruption prevalent now in a pluralistic and democratic nation as India, any such massive supplementary measure undertaken to contain it should also necessarily be democratically debated, wisely chosen, of long term benefit and additionally and invariably be guided and headed by really selfless, well-meaning, publicly and widely acknowledged social activists.

5.     So much as there is corruption even amongst social workers and social activists so much there are politicians and bureaucrats too who are non-corrupt, so to hold generalized prejudices as “All politicians or bureaucrats are corrupt” are totally wrong.

6.     The Government and the people who run it are not the enemies of the State and its subjects unless there is an autocratic regime instead of democracy, and hence deserve to be treated with respect & faith, irrespective of the differences in political parties/ideologies, and considered as our duly and democratically appointed lawful protectors and nation-builders. 

7.     If the good-intentioned, selfless, generous-hearted and apolitical social workers / activists of a nation are not able to rein in their egos, come on a single platform, make some compromises, iron out their differences, strike a consensus amongst themselves, join hands, work together, appreciate and compliment one another, that nation cannot expect much mutual-cooperation amongst the members of its opposite political parties except in some act of wrongdoing, shared corruption and perceived electoral gain.

8.     When there is considerable unity and solidarity among the forces of good, a lot of corruption, inefficiency, maladministration and social injustices can be done away with.

9.     A strong and effective Multi-Level, Apolitical-People’s Movement is as much necessary as a very responsible and honest Media for the success of any democratic form of Governance.

10.  Such a Movement by its sheer assertion of strength and determination to combat corruption at all levels will prove a deterrent to the corrupt, to a large extent; and, will also serve as a real partner-in-progress to the Government & other bodies in the reconstruction process of the nation. 

11.  When the people are groomed to be vigilant and pro-active by such an organized programme, supported and strengthened from the top, there is bound to be a tremendous check on corruption right from the grassroots.

12.  In due course, it would also be possible to evolve and implement a sort of ‘Five Year Plan to Combat Corruption’ with a multi–pronged strategy, by a joint body comprising representatives of the Government and of this Movement.

13.  Under the arms and eyes of such a nationwide coordinated Movement, measures such as necessary legal, electoral and fiscal reforms; enforcement of greater transparency and accountability; clear cut legislations and enforcement of stringent laws for those found guilty of corruption; supportive justice delivery mechanisms;  time bound unearthing of black money; strict monitoring and evaluation of all vital activities; generation of awareness and vigilance amongst the common citizens; creation of Combat Corruption Armies at all levels; reinforcement of existing crime detection, anti-corruption and vigilance agencies; engendering greater and constructive media participation; tapping on the advancements in science and technology to ensure corruption reduced and effective governance at all levels etc. will, no doubt, become much easier and bring about the desired results.

14.  The unemployed, educated and skilled manpower and latent energies of the youth can me canalized into creative and constructive works.

15. If all great personalities and organizations of our nation engaged fearlessly in efforts to safeguard honesty, transparency, righteousness and justice will give serious thought to this line of thinking and consent to join hands a great social transformation will be easily possible, and a great Movement to Combat Corruption & to Reconstruct India will have been established.

16.If conducted well, this Movement will, in course of time, serve as a school for better citizenship and sound leadership; and, up the way, members groomed up by this Movement will find their rightful places in our parliament and state legislatures thereby getting successfully engaged in a process of cleansing our politics effectively. In due course, a student’s wing of the Movement can also be launched for inculcating principles of honesty and fair governance amongst the youngsters.

H.  Some Broad Concept-Objectives:

a)     Coordination and cooperation among concerned NGOs
b)    Creation of a massive ‘platform of action’
c)     Adoption of priority based approaches
d)    Arriving at enlightened consensus on larger issues
e)     Assertion of collective will on crucial issues
f)      Sharing an active part in valuable legislations and sound reforms
g)     Awareness generation & mass awakenings 
h)    Serving as watchdogs & institutional whistleblowers
i)       Serving as guides and supporters of our democracy    
j)       Initiating large scale confidence building measures
k)    Harnessing of youth power for creative and constructive purposes
l)       Intensive monitoring of development measures
m)  Adoption of measures which promote a balanced and sustained growth

I.      Some Broad Concept-Goals:

a)     To help India combat corruption and injustices on all fronts
b)    To help India achieve sustainable development on all fronts
c)     To help India become self-reliant on all fronts
d)    To help India reduce poverty and unemployment
e)     To help India emerge as a world leader in co-operation and peaceful co-existence
f)      To help India foster unity and cultural co-operation among its people and with those of other countries
g)     To help India harness its untapped resources for the economic and social welfare of its people
h)    To help India wage a war against prevailing social evils
i)       To help India make far-sighted and humane advancements in the field of science and technology
j)       To help India give value based education to its younger generation
k)    To help India rise to the status of a developed nation

J.     Fundamental Concept-Characteristics:

a)     Nationwide
b)    Non-governmental
c)     Non-political
d)    Hierarchical
e)     Non-violent
f)      Non-corrupt
g)     Secular
h)    Democratic
i)       Co-operative
j)       Unifying
k)    Just
l)       Sustaining
m)  Creative
n)    Constructive
o)    Reconstructive
p)    Reformative
q)    Advisory
r)      Conciliatory
s)     Pro-active
t)      Nation-Building
u)    Watchdogging
v)    Whistleblowing
w)  Awareness Generating
x)    Manpower Mobilizing
y)    Empowering

K.  Basic Concept-Organs:

a)     A National Council
b)    State Councils
c)     District Level Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction Centers
d)    Primary Level Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction Centers
(The primary level could represent a village/municipality/corporation or a suitable combination of any of such adjacent units.)

 L.   Fundamental Methods of Action:

a)     By awakening, educating and empowering the masses
b)    By mobilizing youth power
c)     By networking with & in liaison with other NGOs
d)    By engaging with the media 
e)     By co-operation with Government, Semi-Governmental and private agencies
f)      By support from funding agencies and others
g)     By harnessing the numerous possibilities opened up by technology
h)    By strict adherence to self-ordained aims, goals, values, tools and characteristics

M. Basic Concept-Tools

a)     Debates, Conferences, Seminars, Symposiums etc
b)    Awareness Drives and Campaigns
c)     Mass Movements
d)    Manpower Mobilization and Solidarity Marches
e)     Camps, Demonstrations, Protests, Shram-Satyagrahas etc
f)      Electronic, Print and Audio-Visual Media
g)     Arts, Sports and Cultural Programmes
h)    Exhibitions, Stalls etc
i)       Combat Corruption & India Reconstruction Centers
j)       India Reconstruction Marches
k)    Pre-Legislative Participation
l)       Vigilance and Monitoring
m)  Knowledge Banks
n)    Counseling, Guidance, Training etc
o)    Research, Analysis and Synthesis
p)    Investigations, Mediations, Legal Actions etc

N.   Basic Work Plan

a)     Initiating communications, correspondence and basic planning
b)    Organizing debates, seminars, conferences etc at the national level
c)     Holding preliminary meeting / meetings at the national level
d)    Arriving at a consensus and assertion of collective will
e)     Constitution of the first national council
f)      Appointment of Office Bearers
g)     Drafting of requisite documents as ‘The Memorandum of Association’, ‘Rules and Regulations’ etc
h)    Preparation of important additional documents as ‘Code of Conduct of Members’, ‘Initial Work Plan’, ‘Budget’ etc
i)       Registration of the NGO
j)       Arranging initial funds and  other resources
k)    Establishment of head office
l)       Collection and documentation of information and initiating ground work for branching out and for other future activities
m)  Organizing debates, seminars, conferences etc at state levels
n)    Establishing state level councils
o)    Organizing camps for mobilization of human resources at the district and primary levels
p)    Setting up of Combat Corruption and India Reconstruction Centers at the district level
q)    Setting up of Combat Corruption and India Reconstruction Centers at the grassroots level
r)      Initiating work for networking other relevant and interested NGOs and Movements
s)     Initiating combat corruption activities
t)      Initiating active involvement in the development and reconstruction process of the nation
Thank You